Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Cara bermain seruling lagu Sempurna by Andra and the Backbone

Hallo semuanya kali ini saya akan share ke kalian cara bermain seruling dengan lagu Sempurna By Andra and the Backbone.

Ini notasinya

Andra And The Backbone     Sempurna
5              5              5              5              5              5              3//
Kau begitu sempurnaaaaa……
5              5              6              5              3              3              2              1……….5………..3………
Dimataku kau begitu indah
1              1              3              4              3              2              1              1              3              4              3              2           1         1
Kau membuat diriku akan slalu memujamu
1              6              5              4              4              1              4              5              5              4//
Janganlah kau tinggalkan dirikuu…
4              4              6              5              4              4              1              4              5              5//
Takakn mampu menghadapi semua….
4              4              6              5              4              4              1              4              5              5//
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisaa
1              1              6              4              3              4              3              4//
kau adalah darahku
1              1              6              4              3              4              6…….//
Kau adalah jantungku……
4              4              6#           6              6              5              4//
Kau lengkapi diriku
4              6#           6              6              5              4//
Lengkapi hidupku
4              7              4              4              3              4              3              4              3              2…..//
Oh sayangku kou begitu…
1              5              4…………3…………2………….3//

Keterangan :
1.       Tanda (//) merupakan garis para nada
2.       Not yang bercetak tebal dan bergaris bawah, artinya : cara memainkan notnya beda/ perlu menonton vidionya.

3.       Tanda (……….) artinya panjang

Untuk vidio cara bermainnya....!!! tunggu dulu ya baru mau di upload....

How to playing flute song Paypone by Maroon Five

Hello comrades .... !!! you bored ya ??? mending learned to play the flute let bad hehehe ....
Here I share how to play the flute song Paypone that by Maroon Five.

This is notation

Maroon Five Paypone

3 4 5 // i # 7 # 7 7 5 4 // 4 4 3 1 4 3 2 1 3 2 // ==== ==== X2 Intro

3 5 5 3 2 3 2 // 3 5 5 3 2 3 //
3 5 5 3 2 3 2 // 4 3 1 4 3 2 3 //
3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 // 2 //
1 2 5 3 3 3 3 2 // 3 // 3 3 3 2 2 // ========= ===== ======= song

3 4 5 // i # 7 # 7 7 5 4 // 4 4 3 1 4 3 2 1 3 2 // ==== ======= X2 Ref

1 3 4 3 2 2 1 1 2 3 //
3 4 3 2 2 1 1 5 2 //
1 3 4 3 2 1 ......... .................. .. ... // ======== Suffixes

1. Signs (//) line the tone
2. Not that bold and underlined, it means: how to play the notes difference / need to watch vidionya
3. Signs ======= a paragraph description of the tone, ie whether the Ref, Intro, etc.
4. X2 is played twice. For example in the first stanza

3 4 5 // i # 7 # 7 7 5 4 // 4 4 3 1 4 3 2 1 3 2 // ==== X2
3 4 5 // i # 7 # 7 7 5 4 // 4 4 3 1 4 3 2 1 3 2 //

3 4 5 // i # 7 # 7 7 5 4 // 4 4 3 1 4 3 2 1 3 2 //

And this he vidionya

sorry if the video that use Indonesian. sometime I'll upload the English language.

Hope you like it

Cara bermain suling dengan lagu Paypone Maroon Five

Halo kawan-kawan....!!! kalian bosan ya??? mending belajar bermain suling biar enak hehehe....
Nih aku share cara bermain suling lagunya Paypone yang diciptakkan oleh Maroon Five.

Inih Notasinya

Maroon Five Paypone

3              4              5 // i#    7              7              7#           5              4// 4      4              3              1              4              3              2              1      3              2//          ====X2   ====  Intro

3              5              5              3              2              3              2// 3      5              5                             3              2              3//
3              5              5              3              2              3              2// 4      3              1                            4              3              2              3//
3              3              3              2              3// 3      3              3              2              2//
1              2              5              3// 3      3              3              2              3//          3              3               3              2              2//  =========  ===== Lagunya=======

3              4              5// i#       7              7              7#           5              4// 4      4              3              1              4              3              2              1      3              2//          ====X2  =======Ref

1              3              4              3              2              2              1              1              2              3//
3              4              3              2              2              1              1              5              2//
1              3              4              3              2………………..                1………...// ======== Akhiran

1.       Tanda (//) garis para nada
2.       Not yang bercetak tebal dan bergaris bawah, artinya : cara memainkan notnya beda/ perlu menonton vidionya
3.        Tanda ======= merupakan keterangan paragraph nada, yaitu apakah merupakan Ref , Intro, dll
4.       X2 dimainkan dua kali. Misalnya pada bait pertama

3      4              5 // i#     7              7              7#           5              4// 4      4              3              1              4              3              2              1        3              2//          ====X2
3      4              5 // i#     7              7              7#           5              4// 4      4              3              1              4              3              2              1        3              2//

3      4              5 // i#     7              7              7#           5              4// 4      4              3              1              4              3              2              1        3              2// 

Dan ini dia vidionya

Semoga kalian suka.....!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Cara Memasukakn Vidio Youtube ke dalam Postingan Blog

Langsung saja ketutornya dari pada banyak cingcong. Saya sudah ngantuk brow....

1. Buatlah postingan baru...
2. Buat tab baru lalu buka www.youtube.com dan pilih vidio anda. misalnya vidio ini

3. Lalu kli tombol share/ bagi. dan pilih embed

4. Disitu akan terlihat script yang siap dipastekan kepostinganmu
5. Kembali kepostinganmu dan pastekan scrip tersebut. dan lihatlah apa yang terjadi pada postinganmu....

About Smartphone Xiaomi

Hi friends this time we will discuss about Xiaomi smartphone. Indeed, some people may not know what the heck Xiaomi it. So I will explain about the Smartphone Xiaomi.

Xiaomi is a smartphone that is going global at this point. Xiaomi formally established in June 2010, a lot of the advantages of this smartphone, one of them a cheap price, but has an amazing specifications are characteristic of this smartphone products. In contrast to other Chinese Smartphone she has a very noticeable difference from the others.

Xiaomi was founded by Lei Jun's a clever businessman. Xiaomi first entered Indonesia in August 2014 through an online store LAZADA.CO.ID in just 45 minutes LAZADA sell as many as 1000 seeds, Terrific not .. ?? Perhaps most people think that this smartphone ugly .. !! some say "ick hp china ... !!!" He said that a good hp yes Samsung, Sony, Iphone, Lenovo, etc. If you have hp Xiaomi please you tell him "ick so people do not KUDET dong" hihihihi.

Based on my monitoring Xiaomi managed to reduce the price of all smartphones, including Samsung, Sony. Even today Aplle will issue a cheap smartphone, may Aplle afraid if later he lost with Xiaomi. heehhehe .....

If you want to see the specifications and price Xiaomi smartphone you can look it digoogle ... !! The camera of the smartphone Xiaomi taken from the camera sony .... WOW ........... Maybe you wonder why this is so cheap though Smartphone Specifications are very nice ... Turns out Xiaomi tedak use of funds for advertising, and maybe that Xiaomi causes why not too well known among the villagers.

The following picture Xiaomi Smartphone
